
Less Paper, Less Stress

By Dennis Kempner posted 12-28-2014 21:28


Creating an efficient office reduces stress, increases focus, and increases effectiveness. One of the easiest ways to increase office efficiency is to implement paperless office solutions. On average it takes 5 to 7 minutes to print and file a document in a file cabinet. With different forms of document management software a document can be saved and shared to a select audience, or even retrieved in seconds. Along with other practices, you can “almost” create a stress free work environment.

Improve Work Flow:

As we stated above document management software can save you from fumbling around with paper documents and filing cabinets. Thanks to technology, document management software such as cloud storage, automation, and electronic document management systems wasting time with paper documents is no longer an issue.

Heightened Security:

Many companies refuse to go paperless because they are afraid it will be easier to lose all of their data. Document management solutions remove this worry. It allows firms to control, monitor and audit access to documents and other information. If that is not secure enough for you, backing up documents on microfilm provides extra document security.

Reduce Hardware Costs:

Filing cabinets are the root of inefficiency. More filing cabinets equals a loss of valuable office space, time wasted by employees finding and filing documents. Paperless document management allows companies to remove additional filing cabinets and save up to 20% on printing costs.

Increase Office Efficiency, Reduce Stress:

It takes an average 18 minutes for an employee to search for a document. A misfiled document can cost a company over $100 in lost productivity. Document management software will allow all employees to access documents and other information in seconds. This will lead to improved customer satisfaction, increased production and focus. All in all the increasing office efficiency with paperless solutions will strengthen employee commitment and morale and ultimately reducing the amount of stress in the workplace.

Increase office efficiency: 

  • Have a quiet work environment and limit the amount of walking away from your desk.
  • Have a focused work period in the morning for 60-90 minutes, before any issues develop.
  • If you are stuck on something, move on and come back to it later.
  • Plan out your next workday, so you can come in remembering exactly what to start on.
