Way back in the day I used to manage IT infrastructure for a number of small organizations. It was challenging but interesting work, and it paid the bills at the time - but there is absolutely no way I would want to manage IT, and more specifically IT security, for anyone today.
Not only do you have to worry about staying compliant with regulations A, B and C - and watch out for the hefty fine if you don't - but you also need to work with a new breed of information-savvy employees. And boy are these guys challenging!
Never mind just bring your own device (BYOD for the uninitiated) to sort out, they want to be able to communicate - nay collaborate - with anyone and everyone. AND they want to be able to use social media to communicate. AND

they expect to do it on all of the business applications. How unreasonable is that?
Well - personally I think it is perfectly
reasonable - but that's not to say it's easy to
achieve. However, help is at hand - a recent
AIIM publication "Information Security for the
Modern Enterprise" plots a route through this minefield and delivers a series of recommendations for how to start addressing these issues. The report is free to download and is available here.
But no - I'm still not managing your network for you!
#social #informationsecurity #Collaboration #InformationGovernance #EnterpriseInformationManagement #cloud #mobile