
SharePoint sucks, eforms, the cloud and iPads are awesome. What are you thankful for this year?

By Daniel O'Leary posted 11-23-2010 16:36


As we approach Thanksgiving here in the United States, I’d like to look back on the year to share with the reasons why I’ll be observing this holiday. (And this year, it ain’t just about getting fat on a week’s worth of grub in a single seating.)

This is one of my favorite holiday activities, second only to drawing turkeys by tracing your hand. Or the silhouette of Joy Behar.

  1. The Cloud. There is something magical about having a product that is secure, cheap, always on, and works on a wide variety of devices. In the last year we’ve embraced, Google Apps, Batchbook, and even built our own apps in the Amazon cloud; all with great success. If you are still afraid or unsure about the Cloud, consider how much you use it in your own life already as a consumer.
  2. iPads! A Year ago, the iPad didn’t exist. This device has fundamentally changed how we think about computers and their role in our daily lives. With a great screen, huge battery and a massive amount of apps (including LincDoc mobile), this device is ready for use in the enterprise.
  3. An awesome team. I’m so thankful for a great team at LincWare. We work hard, play hard, ridicule each other’s wardrobe choices and hit “reply all” more often than we should. We have guys that bike to work in the snow, do “Tough Mudders” for fun and allow us to put up signs like the one pictured here. (Which, as of Monday, is now out of date.) But most importantly, our team is fanatically committed to creating a world-class customer experience with LincDoc.
  4. The AIIM Community. You all rock! I wouldn’t trade all the tryptophan in the world for the wisdom and cooperation within AIIM. If you are reading this and still haven’t made an account or joined in the discussion, do it now!
  5. SharePoint. Thanks to Microsoft for making a product that is so bloated, complex and difficult for novices to use that consultants, VARs and vendors still have jobs. Steven Hawking tweeted that it should be called “Sh@#Point. If they ever get it right, I hear the Five Guys down the street from my house is hiring, because we'll all be unemployed. 
  6. Twitter. These 140 character messages have connected all of us in meaningful ways. As it was described to me, "Twitter makes me like people I've never met and Facebook makes me hate people I know in real life.” You can follow my tweets @danieloleary.

What about you? Yes you, sitting in your chair reading this. Take your left hand off your face (caught you) and let me know what you are thankful for? 

#SharePoint #ScanningandCapture #twitter #e-forms #cloud #Capture #iPad
