When it comes to “going paperless”, it’s not something that you can do overnight. You didn’t create all of your paper or manual processes that rely on them in a day, and you won’t break your paper habit cold turkey.
As many of you know, AIIM is hosting a global event to educate people on the benefits of going truly paperless. As a shameless plug, I’ll be speaking at the Los Angeles event on the benefits and use cases for electronic forms. We also have speakers on scanning, shredding, and digital signatures; all critical components of going paperless. In my opinion, electronic forms are the most important piece of the puzzle, since over 85% of business processes depend on forms, and almost all of them are on paper.
If you would like to participate in one of these events in your area, sign up at http://www.aiim.org/events/paper-free-day . Alternatively if you live in a cave or in an area without a local event, please join us on Twitter next week for a virtual meeting of the minds to share ideas. Full details are posted at http://aiimcommunities.org/capture/blog/paperfree-day-tweet-jam-share-ideas . We’ll be furiously tweeting on October 21 from 11-12:30 EST under the hash tag #wpfd .
On behalf of the entire AIIM Community, I hope you can participate in this event, and I look forward to learning more from YOU (yes you reading this right now) on making the world paperless.
#Capture #AIIM #ScanningandCapture #digitalsignature #shredding #paperless #e-forms