By now all of you (yeah, right) have read my Principles of Holistic Information Governance (PHIGs) post, viewed the slide deck, and some of you attended the presentation I gave in Calgary. Based partly on the popularity of PHIGs, but mostly on my belief that they cover an important business and information management topic, I have decided to attempt to write a book based on PHIGs.
I’m not sure at this point whether it’s going to be tome-like or Cole’s Note-ish (bet on the latter ‘cause I’m kinda a lazy writer) or what the final format will be. I do know that it’s going to be written based on my consulting experience. I also know that my goal is to get people thinking about information and what it really means to their organizations. It may or may not include anecdotes from previous projects, but it will include (I hope) practical stuff that can be used.
Why am I telling you about this? Well, Bryant Duhon of AIIM told me to, and he knows a butt-load more about this writing stuff than I do, so I am taking his advice. Also, I wanna generate “buzzzzzzzzz” and get you excited. Probably the most important reason I am doing this (the blog post) is because I’d love to get your input into the book. I figure you’re the audience (paying, I hope) so you ought to have some say as to what goes into it.
So let me know what you think and what you’d like to see in the book and I’ll occasionally update how things are moving along. I’m looking forward to this thing, I hope you are too.
One last thing … I have no timeline for this book; it’ll be ready when it’s ready.
This may be the shortest post I’ve written.
#ECM #EIM #InformationGovernance #disposition #information governance
#planning #governance #informationmanagement #records #ElectronicRecordsManagement