As promised, ages ago, we’re turning the tables on AIIM’s indefatigable community manager, Bryant Duhon. This is a chance for us to get to know a little bit about the guy who keeps this stuff going. It’s a chance to shine the spotlight on Bryant for a moment, and to thank him for his efforts in keeping our community chugging along.
Thanks to Mimi Dionne, Laurence Hart, and Daniel O’Leary for sending in some questions. Thanks especially to Bryant for agreeing (under duress) to stand in the spotlight.

1. What’s the greatest love song ever?
I’m partial to Brandi and Escape (The Pina Coloda Song); and “Love me Tender, I walk the line, and I will always love you rank high, but right now I’ll go with Johnny Cash’s love song to June: As Long as the Grass Shall Grow.
Best lovin’ song: 60 Minute Man
Best Kiss off song: Here’s a Quarter, Call Someone Who Cares
2. Give yourself a nick name.
I’ve never had a nickname; I’ve always been either “Duhon” or “BD”. If I over-beverage myself, occasionally I self-refer as JBD the III (the Roman Numerals ARE required).
3. If you could spend an evening chatting with any (dead) historical figure over a few drinks, who would it be?
If I can’t have a dinner party and it has to be one. Damn, this one’s hard. After too much deliberation: Julius Caesar. Lessons in leadership would be invaluable. I’d even let him sit with his back to the wall.
4. If you could make one unilateral change to the AIIM community, what would it be and why?
Time to focus on the community and developing it. Close second would be better technology tools to allow more interactions amongst members, but that one’s coming.
5. Who would play you in a movie about your life?
Tom Cruise
6. If you could have any job in the world, excluding your current job, what would it be and why?
Lead historian at Gettysburg National Park (or whatever the official title is). When I was 7 or 8, I remember asking my Meme about war or the Civil War, can’t remember exactly. I vividly remember that she walked to the Encyclopedias and pulled down G and found Gettysburg. On the page was the Cyclorama painting of Pickett’s Charge (properly Longstreet’s Assault, but anyway). From that instant I was hooked on military history and the American Civil War in particular. At Gettysburg, you can feel it -- this is where there was a chance for a this way/that way in history. I think it’s awesome to be able to visit a place where something that big happened.
It’s the only place above the Mason Dixon line I would move to. It’s also beautiful countryside; there are two very good ice cream shops; some not too bad restaurants; and about 4 miniature soldier stores.
7. What’s the best part of being AIIM’s Community Manager?
Other than this? It’s never boring; and, as shy as I am, I have been able to meet some very interesting people through doing this job.
8. Foghorn Leghorn or Bullwinkle the moose; which would make a better president & why?
We already have too many Foghorn Leghorn’s in office. Bullwinkle for President, because no matter what happens, he (and Rocky) ALWAYS end up foiling Boris and Natasha. Plus, think of all the stuff he could pull from his hat -- Don’t know my own strenght!
And now, for something we hope you’ll really like.
9. From Mimi Dionne: Tony Chachere, Luzianne, or Slap Yo Mama? (I assume you & Mimi know what this is about. I have no clue.)
Tony’s. Duh.
10. From Dan O’Leary: What did / would you choose for personal use, Mac or pc?
Not a huge fan of Apple, but I think I’d go with Mac for the ease of use with photo and video editing now. Though by the time I can afford to upgrade, I’ll just have to see what’s out there.
11. From Dan O’Leary: Knowing what you do about the Info Mgt industry, if you had to choose a system, what would it be and why?
Taking a lesson from all my consultant friends: It depends. :) For a small organization, I absolutely would look first for a cloud-based solution. For any organization; I would look at a system that was easy to use for the users.
12. From Dan O’Leary: What’s the craziest question or most left field request ever asked by a member?
When I edited inform, in 99-ish I got a handwritten letter from someone in prison asking about how they could become a contributor or something like that. I’m not sure if they were a member. Around the same time, I got a very lucid description of how AIIM was responsible for certain ills in the world from a not very lucid person. Sadly, I can no longer find the letter. It. Was. Awesome.
13. From Laurence Hart: What would it take to get you to stop listening to Nickleback?
A duet with Celine Dion. Enter the Haggis would then become my favorite Canadian band. Oh . . . wait . . . they already are.
14. From Laurence Hart: You’re a NO Saints fan. What do you think about the recent scandal they’re embroiled in?
Having a hard time dealing with the idea that these very smart gentlemen were stupid enough to generate evidence using email. It’s also embarrassing to read about some of the excuses -- at least Gregg Williams has been smart enough to keep his mouth shut (even though he should be banned for life from football for blitzing Alex Smith -- Alex Smith! -- and leaving Roman Harper on an island to cover Vernon Davis in last year’s playoffs. Yes, still bitter.) I’m also OK with my hypocrisy of, if it were any other team, I’d be laughing. But, it’s my team and even if Sean Payton is an arrogant SOB; he’s an arrogant SOB that brought Lombardi to NO. I’m good with that. I also think the Saints will make the playoffs and are contenders to be the first team ever to play the Superbowl in their home stadium.
On a serious note; I think that the suspensions are deserved; though over the top because the NFL -- as a corporation -- needs to look like it’s doing something about player safety (even though, hey, the NFL could MANDATE that players use the helmets that help prevent concussions rather than leaving it to player choice). The game is tough enough without players intentionally trying to hurt each other; though I don’t think the Saints are any more guilty of that than any other team.