
Moffitt Cancer Center Case Study – Helping Those Help Themselves

By Cate Evans posted 03-21-2013 13:15


Moffitt Cancer Center Case Study – Helping Those Help Themselves

We all see case studies all the time. Obviously they are success stories or no one would be writing about them. Although this case study used our technology, it illustrates the power of technology and technical and business expertise when combined can actually make a difference in people’s lives.

Microsoft recently published a case study on Moffitt Cancer Center. Our partner Aeturnum, along with Moffitt crafted a solution using FAST for Internet Sites (now part of SharePoint Search in SharePoint 2013) and our Smart Content Framework™.

The end result was a portal to enable cancer patients and caregivers a single access point where they could educate themselves and find information pertinent to their condition. Over the past 18 months the ‘My Moffitt Patient Portal’ continues to grow, now with more than 33K users, and 89% of patients signing up for a portal account.

Being very familiar with cancer it’s refreshing to read how technology solutions can become enablers and truly help people as they face very challenging futures.

Kudos to Aeturnum and the vision of Moffitt to make a difference in the lives of so many.

#FAST #InformationGovernance #SharePoint #Search #sharepoint
