
Change Management – Get Rid of the Alternatives

By Carl Weise posted 07-01-2011 11:23


When I discuss change management in regards to new ways of working with an ERM system, I emphasize the importance of removing alternatives for us and the users.  In the future, with a tightly integrated ERM system, I want to become proactive and save all my files and emails to an ERM repository right away.  When we click on the SAVE button, for a file, instead of being shown the C:\ drive or the network share directories, there is an autosuggestion pop-up window with the metadata fields populated.  If we are happy with the metadata entries, we click OK.

Of course, when I talk about getting rid of the alternatives, I often discuss the difference between the way the United States and Canada introduced their dollar coins.

Canada has introduced both a one dollar coin (called a Loonie, referring to the Loon shown on the back of the coin, not the concept) and a two dollar coin (called a Toonie, a derivation of the term Loonie).  The acceptance has, from my understanding, been universal and both coins are in wide circulation.

The United States introduced the dollar coin many years ago and it has not been universally accepted and, in fact, millions of coins are being stored in warehouses.

The difference between the two efforts to introduce the coins is that Canada eliminated the one and two dollar bills.  They removed the alternatives.

This initiative failed in the US because it did not get rid of the alternative.

You may find the attached story about the American dollar coin interesting, and, perhaps, disheartening.


