
Ravens, ECM, and Content

By Bryant Duhon posted 08-26-2014 10:19


Content Marketing: Lessons from Ravens Camp

 I saw Pro Bowlers and some borderline Hall of Famers practicing the basics; you should too.

I watch a lot (too much even) football. I also read a fair amount about content marketing. I’m not quite sure why it’s taken this long to realize there are content marketing lessons you can take from football (the NFL variety in this case, sorry futbol fans). I’m sure someone else has, I just didn’t check so as not to let the air out of my balloon prior to writing this.

Just over two weeks ago, my wife and I went to a Baltimore Ravens training camp practice held at Navy Stadium in Annapolis.* As we were watching, my wife (English, so she grew up watching different/real football – opinions in our home vary there) commented that she thought the team would practice together.

Ravens at CampLike many southern males, I grew up playing football, so I knew that practice wouldn’t start with full offense and defense against each other, but it did get me thinking about my own work. For you non-football folks, generally, you start as a team stretching (usually), but then you break into your position groups for individual drills – blocking footwork and hand placement, catching, running routes, passing mechanics, etc. – to practice basic, individual skills. Teams then work in progressively larger groups – Offensive line vs. defensive line, for example – as you work towards full 11 versus 11 on offense and defense.

Here are some lessons you can take from the football field to your content marketing efforts.

1. Warm up. Before you go full speed, do some research. Know what you want to do. If you’re stuck writing a head

*Go see a game at Navy Stadium if you ever get the chance; the atmosphere is great and downtown Annapolis is just a few moments away.

