Missed AIIM 2014? Or did you just miss out on a session or three you wanted to see? In the coming weeks, we'll be sharing many of the presentations with you. Actionable advice and thought leadership brought to you by some of the smartest people in the information technology industry.
Jason R. Baron presented Finding The Signal in the Noise: Bringing Predictive Analytics To the Information Governance Space.
The hottest topic in ediscovery continues to be the use of predictive analytics in making litigation more efficient, but why should we stop there? Can we take the lessons learned from the Da Silva Moore case about using new analytical tools and techniques and apply them to the information governance space? In this session, the founder of the TREC Legal Track and former Co-Chair of Working Group 1 of The Sedona Conference discusses how analytics may be used by law firms to add value to their client’s information governance issues, including with respect to business intelligence, e-record archiving, and record classification, retention and remediation.
Jason R. Baron, Of Counsel, Drinker Biddle & Reath, Washington DC, is an internationally recognized speaker and author on the preservation of electronic documents, Jason previously served as Director of Litigation for the US National Archives and Records Administration, and as a trial lawyer and senior counsel at the Department of Justice. In those capacities, Jason played a leading role in the government's adoption of electronic recordkeeping practice. He also defended the government's interests in complex federal court litigation, including acting as lead counsel in landmark cases involving the preservation of White House email, statistical adjustment of the U.S. census, and early attempts to regulate the Internet.
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