
Not Your Father's Capture - An AIIM14 Session

By Bryant Duhon posted 04-21-2014 13:50

Missed AIIM 2014? Or did you just miss out on a session or three you wanted to see? In the coming weeks, we'll be sharing many of the presentations with you. Actionable advice and thought leadership brought to you by some of the smartest people in the information technology industry. Mark Brousseau, President, Brousseau & Associates, presented This Isn't Your Father's Capture Anymore: The Changing Face of Capture.

Our industry has changed dramatically from its roots in scanning paper to today's diversity of content capture. Where do things stand and where are they headed? This session will highlight 5 challenges that operations face as a result of the changing face of capture. We'll provide best practices based on real case studies for addressing these challenges.

Mark Brousseau, President, Brousseau & Associates, is a noted marketer, analyst, speaker, and writer, with over 21 years of experience advising leading providers of payments and document automation solutions. Brousseau is president of Brousseau & Associates, a strategic marketing and business development consultancy with the largest client base of any firm of its kind. Brousseau & Associates counts among its clients many top solutions and services providers. To these companies, Brousseau has served as an outsourced marketing and business development strategist, providing a wide range of services. Brousseau previously was marketing director at ImageScan, a leading provider of image-based receivables management solutions to mid-tier and large banks. Before joining ImageScan, Brousseau was vice president of marketing for Image Systems International, a check imaging pioneer.

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