Natalie Haines winner of a pass to AIIM 2014
Natalie is a Document and Records Analyst at TransCanada. She has been a professional member of AIIM since 2012. In that short time, she has dedicated a lot of time to her professional development: earning both the SharePoint Practitioner and Specialist certificates, as well as become an ERM Practitioner!
This will be Natalie’s first trip to the AIIM Conference and we are very excited to have her there and to meet her in person. Congrats Natalie!
What do you do and how did you get there?
Natalie:I am working in Oil and Gas as a Document & Records Analyst. My previous place of employment needed a Records Manager so I registered for and earned the Records & Information Management Certificate (online) from Mohawk College in Ontario.
What was your best day at work? Worst?
Natalie:Every day has been good so far. A lot of variety and great people. I haven’t been here long enough to have had a bad day.
What are you proudest of?
Natalie:Raising my two sons to adulthood. Also – starting college in my 40s.
What is your No. 1. goal today—and what is your greatest content-related challenge?
Natalie:My No. 1 career goal is to master SharePoint. I recently received the AIIM SharePoint Specialist Certificate, so I’m on my way.
Why do you consider yourself an information professional?
Natalie:I have training and the experience to help others find their information when they need it.
What are your three favorite websites? – To get answers to SharePoint and Microsoft Office questions and more. Facebook - to interact with my family and friends. – I knew you’d want me to say this.
What are the three greatest books ever written—and what’s on your nightstand today?
Natalie:These may not be the greatest books ever written, but I think everyone should read them at least once: “Men are from Mars Women are from Venus” by John Gray; “The Five Love Languages” by Gary D. Chapman; and “How to Talk so Kids will Listen & Listen so Kids will Talk” by Adele Faber.
Currently I’m reading “Everything Is Miscellaneous: The Power of the New Digital Disorder” by David Weinberger
What was your first concert—and what are the three greatest songs on your iPod?
Natalie:My first concert, believe it or not, was The Beach Boys – when they were still boys! I don’t listen to music on my iPod. I like the silence.
Why are you excited to be attending AIIM 2014?
Natalie:Some reasons that I’m excited are as follows:
· I recently completed the AIIM SharePoint Specialist Certificate program and am excited to meet the people involved in this organization - as well as members from across North America;
· One of my primary records management roles is managing SharePoint 2010 project sites. I hope to learn more about incorporating metadata models and taxonomies, etc. at the conference
· It’s in Orlando, Florida! Need I say more?
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#AIIM #SharePoint