
#infochat: The Value of Information

By Bryant Duhon posted 09-13-2013 08:14


#infochat returns after an over-long hiatus on September 26 at 1 PM EDT.

We’ve all seen the equation of content to the lifeblood of business – and I think that’s a true statement. Information can give you competitive advantage. Information is an asset.

Intuitively, these statements feel right. After all, in some ways all of our careers are built on the idea of managing or using content to enable work to get done or to do work.


What does it really mean to treat information as an asset? Some 2000 of you viewed our recent “9 Steps” outline online, so clearly there is interest in the subject. Now we want to know: is this just an academic conversation for consultants and conference organizers, or does it have traction in the real world of work?

Join us on Thursday, September 26 at 1 EDT for a tweetchat about how to value information (and content). Follow along using #infochat and start spreading the word – the more the merrier.

Help us spread the word; Tweet this chat.

Our expert panel for this #infochat:

Laurence Hart (@piewords): Content Management Strategist, Alfresco

Chris Walker (@chris_p_walker): Consultant and soon-to-be PHIGs book author

Steve Weissman (@steveweissman): Minister of Process & Information Betterment, Holly Group

Questions to be discussed and answered:

1.    Explain the value of content (in 140 characters or less – or multiple tweets). Go!

2.    What metrics would you use to quantify this value?

3.    Have you ever tried to place a dollar figure on the value of content? Can you?

4.    Can you perform ROI/TCO analyses on well-managed information?

5.    Does your company have control - however inefficient - over its content?

6.    Does it view information management as an investment or a cost?

7.    Do these sorts of questions ever come up in your ECM conversations?

What’s a Tweet Jam
Musicians jam together by riffing off of a common theme; playing off of each other to create something unique and learning from each other as they do. With Twitter, we can do the same, 140 characters at a time. A tweet jam is a fast-paced conversation around a topic. It is simply a time and a place to gather on Twitter around a hashtag topic and learn from each other. Anyone can ask, or answer, a question.

What’s the AIIM Infochat (#infochat)?
Simple really: managing information (well) is, to understate it, somewhat complex. We want to get together regularly (look for a schedule soon), kick around ideas/strategy/tips/suggestions/tools/trends, and emerge a little bit more knowledgeable at the other end of the hour. While we know it’s only 140 characters at a time, we want to generate questions and discussions about how to REALLY make the business processes work

How Do I “Watch?”
It’s easy. Log in to Twitter (or your favorite Twitter front end; I like Hootsuite). Then use the hashtag #infochat to follow the discussion.

There are two “twooms” (I just made that up – Tweet rooms) that you can use:

1. Sign in using your twitter handle, type #infochat into the box at the top of the screen, and tweetchat will follow the discussion – best of all, without you having to remember to put in the hashtag every time you write a new tweet.

2.     I’ll be using Twubs – and have created #infochat as an event. Similar to Tweetchat with more bells and whistles for me to play with:

Regardless of how you “get” there; we’ll see you on the 26th at 1 (EDT).

Here's a peek at the Twubs feed:


#Collaboration #ScanningandCapture #InformationGovernance #infonomics #ElectronicRecordsManagement #ContentManagement #ECM #ROI
1 comment



10-12-2013 09:24

Bryant, Hoping to join the next #infochat and share some of Gartner's research on what we refer to as "infonomics" -- the economics of information, including the discipline of managing, deploying and accounting for information as an actual corp asset. For those interested in a deeper dive on the topic, including links to our research and articles I've published in Forbes, FT, WSJ etc, visit: I can also share some details on the various information valuation models we've devised with and for clients. --Doug Laney, VP Research, Gartner, @doug_laney