
#infochat: Extreme Information for Extreme Lagniappe

By Bryant Duhon posted 02-25-2013 09:51



Join AIIM President John Mancini on Thursday, February 28 at 11 EST as he discusses, with you, how extreme information combined with extreme engagement equals information lagniappe. Pulling from the themes he'll present during his AIIM 2013 keynote, we'll talk about how to channel all of this extreme information "stuff" in the direction you need it to go for your business needs.

Everyone is invited to ask John questions; talk about the answers; challenge him -- and each other. Part interview, part community discussion, Thursday's #infochat is going to be a lot of fun.



What’s a Tweet Jam
Musicians jam together by riffing off of a common theme; playing off of each other to create something unique and learning from each other as they do. With Twitter, we can do the same, 140 characters at a time. A tweet jam is a fast-paced conversation around a topic. It is simply a time and a place to gather on Twitter around a hashtag topic and learn from each other. Anyone can ask, or answer, a question.

What’s the AIIM Infochat (#infochat to follow the discussion. The best way I’ve found to follow one of these is Sign in using your twitter handle, type 

ideas/strategy/tips/suggestions/tools/trends, and emerge a little bit more knowledgeable at the other end of the hour. While we know it’s only 140 characters at a time, we want to generate questions and discussions about how to REALLY make the business processes work

How Do I “Watch?”
It’s easy. Log in to Twitter (or your favorite Twitter front end; I like Hootsuite). Then use the hashtag #infochat into the box at the top of the screen, and tweetchat will follow the discussion – best of all, without you having to remember to put in the hashtag every time you write a new tweet.


We do have a few rules

1.     Have fun. Tweetchats are fast-paced and fun. Dive in, ask questions, respond to comments you agree/disagree with – don’t be a wallflower (Twitflower? Chatflower? Whatever, come on in, the water’s fine.)

2.     Don’t sell and keep focused on the topic. Anyone, from any organization is welcome to #infochat with us. But, in the confines of the #infochat, while I’m sure your product is the best thing since bacon salt, no one cares. If you do sell/mention your product, you will be ignored and/or mocked.

3.     Stay focused. We’ll do one of these nearly every week (and AIIM has webinars on a variety of topics too); so we’ll touch on many topics throughout the year. Stay on topic. Visit our community on LinkedIn if you’d like to start a conversation on a different topic.

4.     Questions are numbered. Q1, Q2, etc. Please label responses to the question, A1, A2, etc. In a hectic environment, this does help keep track.

a.     Q1 What did you have for lunch today? #infochat

b.     A1 I wanted to have a meat pizza dipped in batter and deep fried, but I had a salad with low-fat dressing instead. #infochat

#AIIM13 #InformationGovernance #governance #ECM #InfoChat
