Blake Richardson previews his AIIM 2013 conference session. Enjoy, and follow #AIIM13 and @AIIMcon for all of the latest news and noise about next year’s event.
Governance in the Cloud: Where on Earth do you start?
Blake E. Richardson, CIP, CRM
Manager of Records
Safeway Inc.
Friday, March 22 – 11:30
Whether it’s realistic to think cloud-based information can be effectively governed, is and will be (for the foreseeable future), a point of contention and debate. I will be speaking on this topic at AIIM 2013. My session, “Governance in the Cloud: Where on earth do you start?” will focus on how to best prepare your organization for a move to the cloud. It approaches the topic from a business and (somewhat) technical perspective. If your company is considering a move to the cloud, then be sure to register for the conference in New Orleans and join us.
If you fall into that age bracket of a parent who has sent their kid away to college – think back and remember the feelings you experienced – anxiety, loss of control, concern over whether your child would be safe, how much it would cost, and for some – the excitement of freeing up space in a crowded house. These are the same feelings you may experience when you send your data to the cloud. So what can you do to make it a positive experience – PLAN!
First Things First
The first step in the planning process is to ask yourself “why”, why a move to the cloud, what is the motivating factor(s) – costs, lack of IT infrastructure, desire to reduce reliance upon IT. These can all be valid reasons. However, it’s important to understand your objective in order to subsequently know if you achieved it.
Planning for a move to the cloud should be a group effort. Bringing together key stakeholders such as IT, legal, compliance, business units, records management, risk management, and information security helps to ensure that all the relevant issues are addressed. For organizations that have formalized information governance (IG) and have developed an IG committee, congratulations you are already ahead of the game.
Time for a Checklist
Another important element for planning a move to the cloud is the “vendor checklist”. The checklist allows an organization to document their requirements and determine, during the vendor evaluation, whether their offerings meet your needs. The checklist should be comprehensive in nature with input from all key stakeholders.
Attend AIIM 2013
During my presentation at AIIM 2013, I will address these topics in greater detail as well as discuss additional related cloud issues. Bring your questions and be prepared to have a great time in The Big Easy!
Don't miss out. Register today.
#InformationGovernance #cloud #governance #plannning #strategy