Because Twitter was really s s ss . l llll . . . oooo .. . . .w .w ww last Thursday, we're going to give #infochat another go this week.
So. 1. Let's try this again. 2. Let's hope Murphy stays away this time.
Join us on Thursday April 12 from 11-Noon EST for a tweet jam focused How Social, Local, and Mobile tools are revolutionizing business processes.
And note: we are changing from #ECMjam to #infochat. FOLLOW #INFOCHAT FOR OUR TWEETJAMS
Update: The Questions:
What impact does paper still play in business processes today?
What new technologies are changing how business processes are automated?
How can you improve business processes using capture on a mobile device?
What role can social media tools play in business processes? Are they parallel? Baked-in?
What extra challenges are there automating the collaborative business processes of knowledge workers?
First off, what is YOUR question? What do YOU want to talk about in this topic?Have a question or topic you'd like to talk about either April 12 or at a future date? Comment on this post, send me a tweet, or email me at bduhon@aiim.org. Can’t think of any? Join us on April 12 and let the conversation spark ideas for you.
I’ll finalize a list of questions, but we want to talk about what you want to talk about, of course. And these topics: how does social play a role in automating processes; will social ever become “baked in”; mobility used to be a laptop, now it’s a smartphone – is data capture on the edges of organizations changing/speeding up business processes; is there a way to automate business processes for knowledge workers.
What’s a Tweet Jam
Musicians jam together by riffing off of a common theme; playing off of each other to create something unique and learning from each other as they do. With Twitter, we can do the same, 140 characters at a time. A tweet jam is a fast-paced conversation around a topic. It is simply a time and a place to gather on Twitter around a hashtag topic and learn from each other. Anyone can ask, or answer, a question.
What’s the AIIM Infochat (#infochat)?
Simple really: managing information (well) is, to understate it, somewhat complex. We want to get together regularly (look for a schedule soon), kick around ideas/strategy/tips/suggestions/tools/trends, and emerge a little bit more knowledgeable at the other end of the hour. While we know it’s only 140 characters at a time, we want to generate questions and discussions about how to REALLY make the business processes work
How Do I “Watch?”
It’s easy. Log in to Twitter (or your favorite Twitter front end; I like Hootsuite). Then use the hashtag #infochat to follow the discussion. The best way I’ve found to follow one of these is tweetchat.com. Sign in using your twitter handle, type #infochat into the box at the top of the screen, and tweetchat will follow the discussion – best of all, without you having to remember to put in the hashtag every time you write a new tweet. We used Twubs for the recent AIIM 2012 Conference. If you’re feeling adventuresh, give that a try. [I’m thinking of decamping and moving #infochat operations there. Works nicely.]
List of panelists to come. If you’re interested, drop me a line at bduhon@aiim.org.
Save the date. April 12, 2012. Thursday. 11 EST
Follow the hashtag: #infochat.