
#infochat - How are Social, Local, and Mobile Tools Revolutionize Business Processes

By Bryant Duhon posted 03-29-2012 17:29



Because Twitter was really s s ss . l llll . . . oooo .. . . .w .w ww last Thursday, we're going to give #infochat another go this week.

So. 1. Let's try this again. 2. Let's hope Murphy stays away this time.

Join us on Thursday April 12 from 11-Noon EST for a tweet jam focused How Social, Local, and Mobile tools are revolutionizing business processes.

And note: we are changing from #ECMjam to #infochat. FOLLOW #INFOCHAT FOR OUR TWEETJAMS

Update: The Questions:

  1. What impact does paper still play in business processes today?
  2. What new technologies are changing how business processes are automated?
  3. How can you improve business processes using capture on a mobile device?
  4. What role can social media tools play in business processes? Are they parallel? Baked-in?
  5. What extra challenges are there automating the collaborative business processes of knowledge workers?

First off, what is YOUR question? What do YOU want to talk about in this topic?Have a question or topic you'd like to talk about either April 12 or at a future date? Comment on this post, send me a tweet, or email me at Can’t think of any? Join us on April 12 and let the conversation spark ideas for you.

I’ll finalize a list of questions, but we want to talk about what you want to talk about, of course. And these topics: how does social play a role in automating processes; will social ever become “baked in”; mobility used to be a laptop, now it’s a smartphone – is data capture on the edges of organizations changing/speeding up business processes; is there a way to automate business processes for knowledge workers.

What’s a Tweet Jam
Musicians jam together by riffing off of a common theme; playing off of each other to create something unique and learning from each other as they do. With Twitter, we can do the same, 140 characters at a time. A tweet jam is a fast-paced conversation around a topic. It is simply a time and a place to gather on Twitter around a hashtag topic and learn from each other. Anyone can ask, or answer, a question.

What’s the AIIM Infochat (#infochat)?
Simple really: managing information (well) is, to understate it, somewhat complex. We want to get together regularly (look for a schedule soon), kick around ideas/strategy/tips/suggestions/tools/trends, and emerge a little bit more knowledgeable at the other end of the hour. While we know it’s only 140 characters at a time, we want to generate questions and discussions about how to REALLY make the business processes work

How Do I “Watch?”
It’s easy. Log in to Twitter (or your favorite Twitter front end; I like Hootsuite). Then use the hashtag #infochat to follow the discussion. The best way I’ve found to follow one of these is Sign in using your twitter handle, type #infochat into the box at the top of the screen, and tweetchat will follow the discussion – best of all, without you having to remember to put in the hashtag every time you write a new tweet. We used Twubs for the recent AIIM 2012 Conference. If you’re feeling adventuresh, give that a try. [I’m thinking of decamping and moving #infochat operations there. Works nicely.]


List of panelists to come. If you’re interested, drop me a line at

Save the date. April 12, 2012. Thursday. 11 EST

Follow the hashtag: #infochat.

