Last week at AIIM 2012, I was able to get together with the folks below to do an “Elevator Pitch.” You all know the phrase, right? Get on an elevator with someone and you tell them what you do on the way down. That’s what we did. From the 36th floor to floor 1 at the Hyatt; the following brave souls had the option of starting when I pushed the button to call the elevator or once inside (depending on how they thought they had to say). From there, it was luck as to number of stops or those entering the elevator. These were recorded with my iPad, so the sound quality varies. Enjoy. I had a good time making these. As always when in hotel elevators, beware the luggage rack! Ron Barr, Ricoh
Paula Skokowsi, Accellion
Glenn Gibson, Hyland
Jeff Piper, SpringCM
Sam Schrage, AnyDoc
Chris Preston, EMC
Joe Budelli, ABBYY
Carl Hillier, Kofax
Theresa Kollath, ASG
Jim Perkins, Crawford
#ScanningandCapture #ElectronicRecordsManagement