
Member of the Week: Lidia Basson talks about building AIIM Training in South Africa

By Bryant Duhon posted 03-12-2012 11:45


Lidia Basson, an AIIM ECM Master, is the Administration and Training Manager at NokusaEI. She has a background in training and was employed as a lecturer in Marketing at Sedibeng College for 10 years prior to joining NokusaEI. She’s proud of the work she’s put in as one of AIIM’s best training partners. She plays a role in supporting marketing and sales at the company as training is the ‘foot in the door’ for introducing prospective clients to NokusaEI’s consulting services. Lidia’s core focus in her current position is to fill an AIIM course every month and to provide a support function that allows all the other members of staff to maximize their performance.

Duhon: What do you do and how did you get there?

Basson: I’m the Admin and Training Manager at NokusaEI – AIIM’s training partner in Southern Africa. Before this I was a Lecturer at a College teaching Marketing, Sales, and Entrepreneurship.

Duhon: What was your best day at work?

Basson: That’s a hard question – maybe the day I got a bulk deal to train 60 delegates in ERM Masters.

Duhon: Worst?

Basson: In 2008 one of our most senior consultants died of a heart attack.

Duhon: What are you proudest of?

Basson: In a work context – of being able to build our AIIM department, each year better than the last.

Duhon: What is your No. 1. Goal today—and what is your greatest content-related challenge?

Basson: My first goal is always to increase the number of delegates year on year. Greatest challenge is definitely getting a grip on all my mail.

Duhon: Why do you consider yourself an information professional?

Basson: I don’t really – I’m still learning. But then again, aren't we all?

 Just for fun:

Duhon: What are your three favorite websites?

Basson: The ones that I spend most of my time on?;; – very balanced, right?

Duhon: What are the three greatest books ever written—and what’s on your nightstand today?

Basson: The Bible, an Afrikaans book “Kringe in ‘n Bos” and always the book I’m currently reading. At the moment it is Conqueror – a historical novel on the life of Kublai Khan.

Duhon: What are the three greatest movies of all time—and what’s the last one you’ve seen?

Basson: I was a big fan of the Matrix Trilogy – especially the first one. All the Indiana Jones movies – in fact all Harrison Ford’s movies. The Shawshank Redemption – Tim Robbins is an amazing artist in dramas and comedies. And then on the other hand we have movies like Fight Club that were very clever in the way the story was told. Edward Norton is highly underrated as a leading man. But I was also an admirer of Pulp Fiction. Aside from the cursing it was a very well thought out movie and I’m big supporter of John Travolta and Samuel L Jackson. Then there was Avatar and Titanic and almost all the movies by Tom Hanks and Johnny Depp. I can go on and on….The one I saw last night was RED with Bruce Willis.

Duhon: What was your first concert—and what are the three greatest songs on your iPod?

Basson: The first real concert was ‘n mix of Afrikaans artists at an Art Festival when I was at university. My three greatest songs is also a bit of a problem to narrow down – Nessun Dorma, anything by a local rock band Prime Circle, and anything by Queen, but especially Bohemian Rhapsody and Somebody the Love. The live version with George Michael – 75,000 people singing in unison! What’s not to love? I could go on and on…

