
Haiku Contest: Big Data/"Whole Lotta Data Going On"

By Bryant Duhon posted 02-17-2012 13:14


We've taken a break from contests, but I think it's time to break up our day with a little something fun. As long-time readers of Infonomics Weekly, and, more recently, Connect at AIIM know, I love a good (or bad if it's funny) haiku.

So. Haiku contest. Like many, I've been trying to wrap my head around BIG DATA. I thought it'd be fun to have a haiku contest around the [insert favorite analogy here, I usually go with "Tidalwave of"] data/information and how it's affecting life. Keep it clean (at least for the one's for public consumption); others. There's lots of information. Personally. Professionally. Phones. Laptops. Paper. How is it affecting your life.

Here's my attempt:

Data Everywhere
Internet of things will soon
Connect with People

The rules.

1. Write a haiku about the vast quantities of information we're dealing with these days. Your entry can be focused on technology, on management, or, well, limited by your imagination. Entries can be serious, funny, personal, and/or professional.

2. The staff of Connect at AIIM will select our top 5ish favorite entries. Send to by 8 am on Monday, March 5.

3. Next issue (March 6), you can vote for the winner (through March 12), who will be announced in the March 13 newsletter.

4. The winner will receive a $20 gift card/most likely Starbucks, though I do take requests.

How do I play, you may be asking? Simple; send your submission via email to Bryant Duhon,, with “Haiku” in the subject line. Really, it’s as easy as that

For more about Haiku’s, check out Wikipedia ( For our purposes, a Haiku is 3 lines with 5, 7, 5 syllables respectively.

