
People, Shoes, and Technology: Q&A with AIIM 2012 Keynoter Karuana Gatimu

By Bryant Duhon posted 02-02-2012 09:24


If you're a fan of Skecher's, or want to understand how to use SharePoint well, then you should register today so you don't miss Karuana's keynote at AIIM 2012. Here she talks about the importance of technology, but the critical need to ensure it's useful for PEOPLE.

Sharing, SharePoint, and Skechers: Rules of the Road
Karuana Gatimu: @karuana
Director, Ecommerce & Marketing Operations, Skechers
Wednesday, March 21. 4:30 PM

Duhon: Why are you an information professional?

Gatimu: I’ve been in IT since 1993 and love the people and the challenge of getting technology to meet their needs. 

Duhon: What is the most common resistance to sharing knowledge/expertise do you encounter?

Gatimu: Fear of change; fear of losing control; fear of losing influence; cost

Duhon: How do you avoid getting distracted by an avalanche of possible features and focus on the ones you need?

Gatimu: Strategic business goals (company, business-unit or workgroup wide) drive what technology and projects have priority.  If only that were true everywhere!

Duhon: Why SharePoint as your collab tool?

Gatimu: Provides the best out-of-the-box set of tools especially for a company already under an EA with Microsoft.  I’m a big fan of “use what you own” before delving into customizations and other work that is not in the core skill set of the company. 

Duhon: What do you wish you knew now that you didn’t know when you started?

Gatimu: How hard it would be to stay ahead of the curve with SP and all it could do! 

Duhon: What excites you most about the convergence of social, local, and mobile?

Gatimu: Again taking the focus back to people.  Too often we are enamored with tech for tech’s sake.  If it’s not helping people (employees, consumers, communities); it’s not working.

Space is limited; don't miss out.

