
That's a Poor Excuse for . . .

By Bryant Duhon posted 07-12-2011 14:57


We haven't had a contest in a while. So, inspired by Dan O'Leary's recent post on Top 5 Excuses for Sticking with Paper Documents, let's have a best excuse contest.

I've done this one once before with ECM as the theme. The winner was Shannon Kennedy: We looked at EDMS in 1996 and decided it wouldn't work for us (the contest was in 2009). Let's do this one a little more widely. Since the reason to implement any of the technology we address at AIIM is to improve how work gets done, let's have a contest for best/worst/most asinine/craziest "reason" for not improving how things get done (this could be technology, politics, and/or personality-related). I think the winner will be whoever can top the colored staple filing system excuse.

The rules, as always, are simple:

1.             Send me your (er, some else's, of course) excuse by noon eastern time on July 18. Please use and place "Excuses" in the subject line.

2.     They can be as long as you'd like, though shorter is better.

3.     You can vote for your favorites from a Top 5 we select from July 19 to noon eastern on August 1.

4.     The winner will be announced on August 2.

5.     The proud winner will receive a $25 Starbucks gift card.

May the best (Worst?) "reason" win!

#laziness #incompetence #SharePoint #ElectronicRecordsManagement #ScanningandCapture
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