We haven't had a contest in a while. So, inspired by Dan O'Leary's recent post on Top 5 Excuses for Sticking with Paper Documents, let's have a best excuse contest.
I've done this one once before with ECM as the theme. The winner was Shannon Kennedy: We looked at EDMS in 1996 and decided it wouldn't work for us (the contest was in 2009). Let's do this one a little more widely. Since the reason to implement any of the technology we address at AIIM is to improve how work gets done, let's have a contest for best/worst/most asinine/craziest "reason" for not improving how things get done (this could be technology, politics, and/or personality-related). I think the winner will be whoever can top the colored staple filing system excuse.
The rules, as always, are simple:
1. Send me your (er, some else's, of course) excuse by noon eastern time on July 18. Please use bduhon@aiim.org and place "Excuses" in the subject line.
2. They can be as long as you'd like, though shorter is better.
3. You can vote for your favorites from a Top 5 we select from July 19 to noon eastern on August 1.
4. The winner will be announced on August 2.
5. The proud winner will receive a $25 Starbucks gift card.
May the best (Worst?) "reason" win!
#laziness #incompetence #SharePoint #ElectronicRecordsManagement #ScanningandCapture