Mark Fidelman discusses all things Enteprise 2.0 at his blog, Seek Omega. He also works for open source company Mindtouch.
He submitted the winning entry for our Enterprise 2.0 Template Contest: Enteprise 2.0 RFP Template.
What do you do and how did you get there?
Mark: Hmmm, can’t really boil it down to one thing but I’ll give it a shot. First, I help organizations decide whether they need an Enterprise 2.0 solution. Then we help build a vision and deploy the solution on the MindTouch platform. It’s cutting edge technology and a lot of fun. I also enjoy writing about the Enterprise 2.0 space (including competitors) in order to educate others on the immense opportunity that is presenting itself within global corporations. We’ll look back 5 years from now and wonder why we all weren’t using Enterprise 2.0 solutions in the workplace.
What was your best day at work? Worst?
Mark: I’ve had many best days, but what stands out most is the day we figured out who we were as an organization. I’ll never forget the “aha” moments along with the rapid action, objective setting, strategy and execution plan we put in place in less than 24 hours.
My worst day of work involved three chickens, a séance, and a bunch of employees speaking in tongues. Weird, but I survived.
What are you proudest of?
Mark: Clearly and without question my 4 year old son.
What is your No. 1. goal today—and what is your greatest content-related challenge?
Mark: My number one business goal is to realize the vision we’ve laid out for our customers and ourselves. I take great pride in delivering “WOW” business solutions.
What are your three favorite websites?
Mark: Ha! Besides yours :)?
#1 (To track all of my Twitter friends)
#2 (for the latest in Enterprise 2.0)
#3 TechCrunch and Mashable (For my gadget fetishes)
What are the three greatest books ever written—and what’s on your nightstand today?
Mark: In no particular Order
#1 Atlas Shrugged (For what we ought not become)
#2 The Balanced Scorecard (great strategy book and methodology)
#3 Management by Peter Drucker (The management Bible)
On my stand today:
1. Googled
2. WarGaming for Leaders (Highly recommend it)
3. In search of the Obvious by Jack Trout (Great book)
4. The Bible (timeless lessons no matter what your religious affiliation)
What are the three greatest movies of all time—and what’s the last one you’ve seen?
Mark: #1 The Natural (Robert Redford)
#2 The Lord of the Rings
#3 Casablanca
Last one I saw was Shrek 3 with my 4 year old.
What was your first concert—and what are the three greatest songs on your Ipod?
Mark: Now don’t tease me, but it was Rick Springfield. Not sure how I got there but I believe it involved a girl I was trying to impress. Sadly, I don’t think it worked.
Three songs ranked by amount of times listened:
1. Tom Sawyer by Rush
2. Simple Twist of Fate (Bob Dylan)
3. Mad World (Adam Lambert version)