Enterprise 2.0 at Work: Tweet Jam
Join us on June 10 from 11-1 EST for a tweet jam focused on making Enterprise 2.0 work.
Allow me to elucidate.
What’s a Tweet Jam
Musicians jam together by riffing off of a common theme; playing off of each other to create something unique and learning from each other as they do. With Twitter, we can do the same, 140 characters at a time. A Tweet Jam is a fast-paced conversation around a topic. simply a time and a place to gather on Twitter around a hashtag topic and learn from each other. Anyone can ask, or answer, a question.
What’s the AIIM E20 Jam (#e2j)?
Simple really: we want everyone to get a little smarter about this social media stuff. Our theme can be loosely described as “Enterprise 2.0 at work.” While we know it’s only 140 characters at a time, We want to generate questions and discussions about how to REALLY make the concepts of Enterprise 2.0 work in the real world. We will have questions lined up to kick-start the conversation (our draft list is below).
Have a question? Respond to this post, send me a tweet, or email me at bduhon@aiim.org. Can’t think of any? Join us on June 10 and let the conversation spark ideas for you.
How Do I “Watch?”
It’s easy. Log in to Twitter (or your favorite Twitter front end; I like Hootsuite). Then use the hashtag: #e2j to follow the discussion. To more easily follow the discussion, you can set up a separate column in Tweetdeck, Hootsuite, or something similar and use #e2j as your search term. You can also use tweetchat.com (thanks to Steve Radick for the suggestion). Sign in using your twitter handle, type #e2j into the box at the top of the screen, and tweetchat will follow the discussion – best of all, without you having to remember to put in the hashtag every time you write a new tweet.
Confirmed Panelists
Mark Fidelman, Enterprise 2.0 Strategy
Larry Hawes -- Consultant, Researcher, Author
Hanns Kohler-Kruner – Principal Consultant, HKK Consulting
Robert Lavigne - Enterprise 2.0 Collaboration and Innovator
Cheryl McKinnon – Chief Marketing Officer, Nuxeo
John Mancini – President, AIIM
Jesse Wilkins – Principal Consultant, Access Sciences
Poul Hebsgaard -- Software Executive, cBrain
In no particular order, a draft list of questions for the jam.
What is the relationship between E20, Social Media, and Social Business?
Should my company integrate its internal and external social efforts? Why?
Should social software functionality be integrated into other enterprise applications or be deployed on its own? What are the pros and cons of each approach?
Explain E20 as simply as possible. Is it technology? Culture? Both?
What is the business value of E20?
Can you show ROI? How?
Approx 50% of orgs block access to Facebook, Youtube. Problem?
Where do you buy E20 tools? Do you have to buy them?
CSFs for implementing E20?
Any available roadmaps for impl E20?
How can u ensure info governance when opening up orgs with E20?
E20 initiatives need business models – how will you get funding? What’s your plan for ensuring that people commit to E20, not just in words, but in actions (resources, money, etc.)
Are your internal E20 initiatives integrated in any way with your external social media initiatives? Are the people driving blogs behind the firewall the same people driving access to Twitter?
Share the WORST thing that’s happened since you opened up your Intranet using Enterprise 20 tools? Have you seen blog posts shredding the CEO? Wiki pages covered with porn and racial epithets? (I’m asking this because I STILL haven’t heard of any sort of serious issue that have resulted from E20 initiatives).
Getting HR 2.0 on board: especially key performance indicators - recognition of sociability, collaboration & knowledge-sharing. (from mijori23)
?????? Your question here
Save the date. June 10. Thursday. 11-1 EST
Follow the hashtag: #e2j.
#jam #tweet