
Get Started with Enterprise 2.0 Templates

By Bryant Duhon posted 05-17-2010 13:18


Interested in social media, but don't quite know where to start? Take a look at the 5 templates below. Read them. Learn from them. After all of you vote on the most useful one (voting closes next week), we'll turn these into wiki documents and open them up for improvement and your feedback.

Give them a read. You won't be disappointed.

Below are 5 submissions. Remember, the top vote-getter receives $2,000.

Web Functional Specifications

Submitted by Tonya Cannariato

To Wiki or Not to Wiki -- That is the question

Submitted by Stephen Rahal

Community Launch Template

Submitted by Stephen Rahal

Community Planning and Scoping Report

Submitted by Stephen Rahal

Enterprise 2.0 Request for Proposal Template

Submitted by Mark Fidelman

Please review the above templates and then vote for you favorite by pressing the below link.

Vote for the best Enterprise 2.0 template.

#templates #E20 #enterprise2.0 #bestpractices
