
Streamline Business Operations to be Productive and Profitable

By Brandon Burke posted 07-14-2019 17:35


The end goal of any business is to maximize its profitability. To accomplish this, a company needs to run efficiently. Efficiency means that there is little or no wastage of resources in the way the business operates. 

Accomplishing total efficiency is easier said than done. It requires careful planning beforehand and monitoring afterward. Streamlining a business requires several steps: 

  1. Evaluating and analyzing all the business operations in their entirety.
  2. Planning how waste can be minimized.
  3. Implementing plans and monitoring the results. 

Once a business is streamlined, it starts to operate profitably. Here are some ideas for how to get started: 

  1.   Go paperless 

Reducing the use of paper to a bare minimum is a significant saving in more ways than one. The first thought that comes to mind is the conservation of valuable natural resources used in the manufacture of paper. However, some other savings affect the company directly. 

For example, when all records are kept on paper, they need to be stored somewhere. This costs money. Paper records are hard to trace, and a lot of employees’ time might be wasted trying to track them down. Document management systems organize and store documents online where they are accessible. 

  1.   Productive human resources 

During enterprise resource planning exercises, management might become too focused on physical resources and forget about human resources. The wage bill for employees is often a company’s greatest expense. Therefore, it makes sense to try and trim it down wherever possible. 

Looking at the organogram, it is easy to identify positions that overlap and employees whose time and skills are not being utilized fully. Restructuring the organization can be expensive during the initial stages. 

Where employees are laid off, they may be entitled to payouts and benefits. Those employees who remain might need additional training to help them perform new tasks productively. 

  1. Software solutions 

Streamlining business operations requires their integration into one system. Relevant information must flow between departments for it to be accessible and useful. One of the greatest barriers to achieving this is departments that run on different software systems. These systems have license fees and require maintenance, both of which require expenditure. 

A single system facilitates the movement of data. Businesses that allow employees access to the information they need allow them to do their jobs well. Software companies offer users various packages to suit the needs of different organizations. The size and nature of a company often dictate the type of software it needs. 

  1. Outsourcing 

There are some functions in an organization that cannot occupy an employee on a fulltime basis. For example, a small business won’t require a fulltime website developer. However, it does need a functional website. The best solution for the problem is to hire a freelance website developer who only works for the company for a few hours each week. 

Other tasks at businesses are seasonal. For example, restaurants are busier over the holidays than they usually are. Taking on part-time servers helps the business to run efficiently while keeping costs to a minimum. 

  1. Utilization of artificial intelligence (AI) 

In addition to streamlining software systems, companies should start looking seriously at using AI to their advantage. While many people might associate AI with robots, it is more than that. One of the most effective things that AI can do is process and analyze vast amounts of data. It saves a lot of time and human resources. 

AI is also evident in the form of chatbots that can take over routine functions in an organization. Chatbots can be programmed to deal with specific queries and assist customers without the need to interact with an employee.

