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Project Checklist Makes Records Management and Document Management Projects Easy

By Betsy Fanning posted 03-13-2019 10:04


If you are like most of us, there is a certain amount of excitement about taking on a records or document management project when your organization has appointed you the project leader. You understand what is to be accomplished but where do you begin? The ECM Industry Standards Working Group 2, Trustworthy Document Management and Assessment created phases and activities checklist that will guide you through your project.

The Project Phases and Activities Checklist will guide you through six functions in any records or document management project. This checklist is based on International Standards ISO 18829, Document management – Assessing ECM/EDRM implementations – Trustworthiness (Trustworthy Assessments) and ISO/TR 22957, Document management – Analysis, selection and implementation of enterprise content management (ECM) systems.

This checklist provides a list of tasks that should be completed and questions for the project team to consider or ask the vendor. It takes you from strategically aligning your project to the organization’s goals through performing gap analysis, defining your objectives and goals to getting the most out of user acceptance testing and ensuring the ongoing governance and support of the project after implementation.

The ECM Industry Standards Committee which is part of the 3D PDF is making this available free. Download your copy today. The primary project leaders for this effort were Robert Blatt (, founder and Principal Consultant at Electronic Image Designers, Inc. (EID Inc) and Donna Johnston (, Sutter County Clerk-Recorder and current President of the County Recorders’ Association of California.

1 comment



04-27-2023 14:43

I couldn't download the pdf either on my laptop or my phone.