Welcome to the Industry Standards Special Interest Group!
Companies that recognize the importance of standards and conformance to the standards see lower costs to implement technology because they understand that standard help to reduce the risks they may face, minimize errors in the implementation because the standards have been vetted by many organizations, and, it that is not enough, standards reduce the time to market for the technology vendors. Standards help to expand the market for the technology to cross borders, ensure that products developed in one country can be sold and used in another. Organizations can also use standards to base their business decisions as they develop their strategies. Standards are an important management tool.
We are excited about having this group and engaging with you. This group was set up to allow for practical peer-to-peer advice based on and supported by industry standards from ISO (International Organization of Standardization), ANSI (American National Standards Institute), and others. In addition to receiving advice, we will also share thoughts on specific aspects of standards being developed and ask your thoughts to help us develop the standards.
When you post a question on this Special Interest Group site, the responses will be coming not only from your colleagues but also from participants in the standards program who will bring and share their expertise and years of experience with you. We will endeavor to have regular web-based virtual meetings featuring either a given standard or best practice, an introduction to an emerging technology or a presentation related to a discussion thread delivered by an expert from the Standards Program.
In between virtual sessions, we encourage you to post questions, respond to the posted questions and participate as you see fit. We will be giving this group the first notice of documents being published or new work beginning. So, look for some checklists, white papers and other helpful tools that will help you as you implement your information related projects. If you want to get involved, we hope you will respond to any requests from participants.
It is often easier to discuss topics and respond to questions when we know who we are talking with. Please take a few moments to introduce yourself by responding to the ‘Introduce Yourself’ discussion.
Welcome to the Industry Standards Special Interest Group!