
AIIM Social Business Virtual Conference – A Teaser

By Bert Sandie posted 07-25-2011 23:26


I feel very fortunate to be invited to present at the AIIM Social Business Virtual Conference on September 8, 2011.  Provided below is a teaser of some of the hot topics that will be covered in my session “Knowledge Workers – The Emergence of a New Breed of Savvy Employees.”

In the first part of the session, I will examine three factors that are driving the importance of knowledge workers in our evolving digital workplaces.

The three factors that will be examined are the:

(1) Shifting workforce demographic that is altering the composition of gen-Y, gen-X, and baby boomers employees in the workplace

(2) Increase in the percentage of knowledge workers needed by companies and industry, and

(3) Evolving work patterns that are dramatically impacting how we work.

The second part of the session will dive into the core characteristics and capabilities that knowledge workers need today and into the future.

These topics will be discussed using real-world experiences based on our work at Electronic Arts. At our company, we are living and breathing in a world filled with a wide spectrum of knowledge workers from creative geniuses to technical experts to business mavericks to ‘you name it’…

Please join me at the AIIM Social Business Virtual Event on September 8 to hear more details and ask questions. The conference has a very impressive set of presenters that include “social business” leaders, experienced practitioners, and thought leaders – I hope you will join us.

In the meantime, please feel free to connect with me on twitter (@bsandie), Google+ (Bert Sandie), or LinkedIn (Bert Sandie).

Sneak Peek at other Social Business Virtual Conference speakers' sessions:

Ming Kwan: Share to Connect

Gayle Weiswasser: How Discovery Engages with their Audience

Jacob Morgan: The Business Impact of Collaboration

Steve Ressler: The Story of

Jesse Wilkins: Developing a Twitter Policy

Dianne Kelley: Aligning Strategy and Governance with Business Requirements

#conference #E20 #AIIM #Collaboration #Knowledgeworker
