
Benefits of Social Messaging

By Atle Skjekkeland posted 06-17-2011 10:53


The benefit of Social Messaging lies in the creation of transparency regarding the activities in the company and, resulting from that the effects of realizing value-added potential and process improvement.

  • Transparency: The flow of information is promoted across hierarchies and departments

  • Satisfaction: The employee receives acknowledgement through feedback and reflection of his work. This promotes general satisfaction

  • Identification and proximity: Transparency increases identification with the company and proximity to the people of the institution

  • Cost-saving: Process and project costs for information and expert research

  • Value added: Solving of business problems through “weak ties“ (not directly involved people)

  • Pick up knowledge and information "in passing"

As with other communication tools, a direct connection does not exist between input and output. This makes the determination and measurement of potential benefits difficult.

A model by Zerfass / Rolke, which originated in the field of communication controlling research, works well when exploring the potential benefit potentials of social messaging.

  • Input: Time involved for activities (writing and reading) of social messaging
  • Output: Number of generated short messages (status updates, comments on links, etc)
  • Outgrowth: Amount of generated knowledge and context of and about business activities
  • Outcome: Added value through new information and knowledge resulting from it
  • Outflow: Real time and cost which are saved through output and process improvement or transformation. Increased involvement and commitment of employees through greater identification and employee satisfaction


The new Social Messaging Study provides you with a detailed comparison of Social Messaging solutions. Check it out at

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