
Capture Two Years From Today

By Anthony Macciola posted 01-03-2011 14:29


It's not uncommon for organizations to want to lower their overall total cost of ownership for IT infrastructure. Capture owners are no different. The use of Intelligent Document Recognition (IDR) technology has delivered significant cost savings in relation to minimizing and/or eliminating human touch and involvement throughout the capture process. These cost savings are usually realized during the runtime execution of the capture system.

The other area that can be leveraged relative to lowering the overall total cost of ownership of a capture system is in the setup, configuration and ongoing management of the system.

Historically, capture systems are set up and configured as standalone, independent systems. This often will result in the creation of redundant batch, document and field taxonomies and business rules that typically exist within existing IT infrastructure and systems.

If you take a step back look at the big picture, why couldn’t the capture system leverage and exploit these existing taxonomies and rules whenever possible, or use ground truth data, taxonomies and rules whenever available? It could and should.

If you're wondering what capture systems are likely to look like in the future, they'll likely be extensions or integrated components of existing IT infrastructure or line of business (LOB) applications and will be managed and executed under the purview of a larger LOB application versus being a standalone entity.

Capture's roots are based in archival, namely capturing paper documents (usually after a business process has executed) for the purpose of archiving the paper documents in a repository of some sort. As capture transitions beyond scan-to-archive and becomes instrumental in process automation, the historic independent capture system mentality will be forced to evolve into a more transaction centric model that is controlled and integrated within an organization's application framework. In other words, capture will evolve to become an integrated component of larger LOB applications.

This is a subtle but material evolution for the capture market and will allow capture to expand to a wider range of applications and process automation use cases.

When you combine this evolution with some of the other innovations and trends we've talked about over the past couple of months, it should become evident that capture is going through a renaissance and is poised for a new era of growth and expansion.

#ScanningandCapture #Scanning #documentimaging #Capture
1 comment



07-17-2012 13:23

We're using Kofax 8.0 There is a large volume of documents for validation being done by different individuals. How do you keep things standardized. There is also a lot of data to be keyed. How can this be improved?