The secure career path may be up in the air for some information management professionals while at the same time the search by HR professionals to recruit talent in information technology (IT) and records management fields is challenging.
How do these two important seekers (information management professionals and HR recruiters) in the job market find each other? Credentialing becomes an important mechanism. While the term “Credentialing” is linked with health care and education, technology and information management professionals can demonstrate recognized proficiencies and employers can benefit from recruiting experienced people by capitalizing on credentials. Credentials go beyond degreed programs to include certifications and other competencies often verified by testing.
Both sides of the job market have obstacles that certifications help overcome. The current talent mismatch is challenging for employers whose job descriptions require a blend of business and technical skills often not covered in a traditional resume. While reskilling their current employees to meet the new challenges of the global economy, employers must also identify new people who demonstrate “teachability” on their resumes. Teachability is the active, self-motivated ability based on related skills for an individual to acquire new skills. On the flip side, the job seeker or someone looking to advance within an organization seeks to differentiate themselves with specific competencies and experiences. Particularly, knowledge workers need to increase their learning and obtain targeted certifications demonstrating aptitude for “teachability”.
Recent statistics distributed by the U.S. Bureau of Labor are telling. The average job tenure of an employee in America today is 4.4 years while the age group from 25-34 is only 3.1 years. Tenure is slightly higher for management, professional and related occupations: 6.1 years for management, 5.7 years for architecture and engineering. The numbers indicate higher levels of movement create opportunity for those who invest their time in credentialing their information management proficiencies in current and relevant disciplines.
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics; Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey News Release (for May 2011); July 12, 2011
Department of Labor 2010 Manpower Report
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