My experience with AIIM training over the years has been somewhat oblique, but nonetheless it has had a profound impact on my work. Oblique in that I have never studied or been a student of one of the many training courses AIIM has produced. However I was the person that built the original BPM (Business Process Management) certification course and also contributed in part to the building of the Taxonomy and Metadata course. If you ever took the online version of BPM then my dulcet tones will be familiar.
I can remember being asked by AIIM to build the course, and what I thought would be a fairly straightforward job turned into a marathon effort by myself and my colleagues at the time. For taking a topic and explaining the fundamentals was simple enough, but conveying the importance and providing the core skills needed to take this back in a measurable and valuable way into the workplace was a challenge indeed.
The course provide students with a solid introduction based on real world work requirements and experiences to understand and improve business processes. Core skills that any employee or consultant involved in a business change or IT project should have, but that few today actually possess. From studying the course you learn how to elicit and gather information, understand and capture current processes, and then to map future improvements and change. The course also provides a solid grounding in to the technical functionality that most business applications (ECM, CRM, ERP) come loaded with that automate business processes. In short a thorough grounding in both the the people and technical skills required to bring about essential business change and improvements,
How well we did is for you to judge, but I have had no hesitation in recommending this and other AIIM training courses to both companies and individuals over the years. Both the online and in person courses are unique and based on the feedback I have regularly received over the years highly valued. Handing over the final material and running a training course for prospective trainers should have been the end of the story for me. But it was only the start and to the present day I get contacted out of the blue by trainees around the world, that is certainly personally gratifying but more importantly I think it is evidence of the need for such critical and specialized training in today's workplace.