When opening a customer account, an organization has a very valuable first-impression opportunity to make with its customers. It needs to convey speed and competency. Little interaction points can go a long way. One small way to do this is to utilize document processing software to its highest potential. In terms of new account applications processing, the latest improvements in advanced capture and document processing technologies are making it easier and more seamless for businesses to collect and store information on new accounts – from bank account applications to insurance and health care forms to government services.
Here are three techniques you can leverage to support a better customer service experience:
· Detect the presence of signatures first– A signature is often required for transaction authorization. So if an application request is being processed and there is no signature, why invest the time and money to process the application until a valid signature is obtained? Utilize your document processing software to first verify the location of a signature, then proceed with recognition and account setup. If the customer forgot to sign the document, then run an exception rule and reach out to the customer proactively. This avoids having to go back to the customer (rather sheepishly) later in the process to finish something so trivial.
· Use those signatures to benefit the customer– Businesses that perform financial transactions on behalf of a customer should have a “gold standard” signature on file that can be useful for validating authenticity. The best time to collect that signature is during the initial new account opening since you have already validated the customer’s identity via information such as a driver’s license and social security number. Capturing the customer’s signature in the very beginning allows your organization to immediately begin verifying the customer’s transaction signatures against the one on file as a valuable fraud prevention step.
· Cross-validate your data– Use new account applications and other documents you have to cross validate information and to confirm accuracy. This reduces the need for human validators and decreases opportunity for human created errors. For example, if you ask recognition software to read an account number off of an ACH withdrawal permission form when the customer also gave you a check, the information on the document should be matching to what is on the check. If the information does not match, the software can flag it as an exception to be reviewed manually. The same cross-validating technique can be used for driver’s licenses and addresses, as well as for a host of other customer information.
By taking full advantage of capture software and following these suggested techniques, organizations can build stronger customer relationships with more effective and precise communication. They can also provide a better overall level of service. Forms processing efficiency also can lead to greater productivity, better service and a stronger competitive edge.
Learn more about Parascript’s document and forms processing solutions.
Aaron Baumanis Director, Professional Services and Sales Engineering at Parascript, a leading recognition solutions provider, online at www.parascript.com
#Capture #account applications
#documentprocessing #bankapplicationdocumentprocessing #ElectronicRecordsManagement