Drug Dealers and IT are the only people who call their customers “users” Seriously, why does corporate IT have more in common with a street pharmacist than the genius bar at the local Apple Store? Is Lotus Notes or SharePoint the new corporate crack? What does it say about an...
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"the social business revolution is starting to take hold in companies. These solutions are starting to empower individuals, enabling them to challenge traditional hierarchies and bypass communication road blocks. It is also enabling the knowledge worker to better communicate with suppliers,...
It is easy to assume that access to massive amounts of information is good for society. Perhaps we should also look at the role the move to an Information Economy is having on the reversal of generations of movement towards greater social equality. The growth of the state between the...
I was recently asked by ABC Radio National to explain the principles behind my book, Information-Driven Business . The following is extracted from the program or you can listen to the full broadcast online . I’ve spent more than twenty years looking at how having large quantities...
Just as in life, change is the only constant in the capture industry. Yet, I see so little evolution. Today at the Info 360 conference, with a ton of AIIM and industry people, I was shocked to see all of the paper scanners, various scanning technologies and a host of other business...
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