Basically, they were selling Carl, the project leader with prophesies that Carl the analyst had foretold years before in his former consulting life
The Challenge of Internal Communications I recently joined a local roundtable group here in Seattle made up of business leaders focused on the challenges of internal business communications
He described some his findings after an extensive survey of community leaders across several open source software projects
Trick question – all posts have to be approved by management and that never would have made it through The administrators delete the post and send a note to the employee's manager Other employees leave comments recommending that the post may be unprofessional and warrant some editing The senior leader in question posts a comment himself thanking the employee for his feedback and explaining the rationale behind the decision You create a wiki page for your team containing the text of a report you're working on
You may have heard that Microsoft is buying a company called Yammer for $1.2 Billion dollars. You may be wondering what this means. You also may be wondering just what Yammer is. Below I have provided a very simple, yet I think apropos, description of what Yammer is and why Microsoft was willing...
2 Comments - Great post! As a technology leader who has deployed Yammer across an enterprise, I am often asked to describe Yammer
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