To maintain and run our personal information systems, either we take care of some pretty technical challenges ourselves or plan to have someone else we depend on do it for us
Perhaps you are in a situation where your organization is evaluating the use of SharePoint or you may be the one whose organization made the choice and now you are faced with making it all work. The first question to ask is why? Why are you using SharePoint? What problem does it address or gap...
What I have learned is that no two vendors are exactly the same in system requirements, service offerings or maintenance plans. Those differences are what help information management professionals discern what they need versus what would be nice to have
In the absence of a plan, the immediate hours after a breach is detected are often marked by confusion and panic
Title: Delivering a Success Cloud Project Description: The session will cover several aspects of moving to the cloud, starting with: 1) Overview of Cloud Services such as: understand the different types of cloud service models, understand benefits and challenges of each model, and start thinking about a decision framework for the right model for your initiatives; 2) Business Drivers for Cloud Services such as: understand the financial drivers for cloud services and understand the non-financial drivers for cloud services; 3) Common Cloud I nitiatives such as: a notional cloud service roadmap with milestones and dependencies; 4) Common Cloud Challenges such as: understand commonly encountered challenges and discuss some strategies for avoiding them or minimizing their impact; 5) Strategic Planning for Long Term Success such as: how to align cloud initiatives with business strategy and planning; 6) Measuring Success such as: move beyond measuring project success by budget and schedule criteria to measuring benefits realization including adoption and business value
02-25-2021 | 13:00 - 14:00 ET
The key is in knowing what you are trying to accomplish through the use of workflow, assessing the current state and planning properly which includes selecting the appropriate tools
Companies look at ECM and all of the associated technologies as the solution but in reality if we do not take time to assess, plan and then implement, we will not get our desired results
Solutions in all of these areas need to be sustainable, so once the requirements and objectives are understood, plans are made and a process begins...I am not sure that a life spent planning, building, testing and delivering things makes me an expert
Where will you scan this information? Are you planning to set up a central scan center or will distributed scan work for you?...Sure you can search it, but will you find what you are looking for? Having a planned storage structure is essential
You need develop a plan that addresses alternate ways of doing business that may not be as efficient but are still effective in supporting your clients...Look at your options and plan for the inevitable
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