I think like most records folks, I didn't start out to become a records manager, I sort of fell into it. In my case I worked for a software company in the industry, and around 2002 we decided to become a records management software company. I had some experience with government, both as an...
Last night the New England Chapter of AIIM held a holiday social event in Newton, MA. Food and drink were consumed, business cards were exchanged, conversation was had and stories were told. In this highly connected, always on, 140-character world, a nice-sized group of people slowed down, left...
Those days are ending as people take advantage of ongoing commoditisation and the real cost of mobile phone calls becomes less significant. Social networks have offered something truly new, the ability to communicate information seamlessly between groups and individuals
As I sit here in the Delta Sky Club at Detroit Airport pondering the impact social networking and social networking tools have made and continue to make in both our personal and business lives, I am amazed by what has been accomplished and intrigued by what lies ahead
While there has been a growth in business transactions across the networks, there are still a number of people on social networking sites that are strictly there for personal use
Social Networks are sure getting a lot of attention these days; and when I read about them in news or in trade journals, I am not surprised to see that the issues about social networks are varied
The chasm separating excitement levels around social networking and governance could not be wider
Social networking is not a new concept in fact it is really quite old with formal recognition surfacing in the 1800’s yet if you consider ancient Rome and Greece, one might say that it really began in those times
Ubiquitous, contextual expertise location aligned with user's daily activities provides quantifiable value to businesses. In the endless quest for Enterprise 2.0 measurable value this is a silver bullet. As an organization grows, the value that an automated, contextual expertise location...
Of course – yet the domain of electronic communications is changing so quickly and adoption of social networking for commercial purposes is rising so rapidly, the recordkeeping systems continue to lag
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