So - what stops organizations from embracing Social BPM? Not understanding the opportunity cost of not embracing social BPM Perception that integration between systems is complex and costly Insight into both points will provide the perspective needed to understand if Social BPM is valuable for your organization
It’s been quite a while since the world has been gripped by the Social Media fever. However, as is the case with any new concept that catches the masses by their eyeballs and wallets, social media too has turned into a big Gold Rush with many following suit. Suddenly, plenty of creative...
As a child growing up in the UAE, I remember a distant relative visiting us and educating my dad about sending money home to his parents in India through him and his “contacts” and that dad would get a better exchange rate. Obviously ignorant to the concepts of Informal Value...
As a hands-on active Information Management lead, I am required to apply as and when apt various schools of Information Management thought including DMS, ECM, BPM among others in our regular Request for Change cycle. Serendipity was to force me to be innovative in our change management as...
Be it a Document Management System or a Records Management System or a Collaboration System or the conventional BPM or Social BPM or Adaptive Case Management or Dynamic Case Management, they are all a change to the business user from their interactions and experiences with their current systems and processes
Which begs the question, if we use E.20 and SM tools/capabilities to enable ACM, are we really talking about social BPM? Or maybe, instead of BPM for knowledge workers, maybe s ocial BPM is what ACM is really all about?
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