Here are examples of ways to capitalize on collaboration for business process improvement: #1...Vertical and horizontal collaboration Usually, business process improvement measures are rolled out on a one-way street
The benefit of Social Messaging lies in the creation of transparency regarding the activities in the company and, resulting from that the effects of realizing value-added potential and process improvement
There are a mountain of applications that can automate, store and catalog almost anything that are available over the web with a simple signup. As technologists we are hard pressed not to use them, as they provide immediate value and give us the ability to quickly work with our information from...
A funny thing happened on the way to process improvement: what began as an exercise in efficiency enhancement turned into a game theory application!
At the AIIM Executive Leadership Council (ELC) meeting in Fort Lauderdale, Florida this week, event facilitator and technology futurist Thornton May framed the discussion on securely mobilizing the enterprise by asking a broader question: "How do we create value with information?" ...
Is Enterprise 2.0 an evolution of business or a revolution? If I had to be pinned down to an answer, I’d say “evolution”. Or to be more accurate: it's a revolutionary idea that I think will emerge gradually, in an incremental, evolutionary fashion. Take the...
The 7FE Framework goes far beyond these two methodologies, and has been used in a variety of companies and organizations to achieve process improvement - for example Sberbank (Russia’s largest bank, with 260,000 employees and 20,000 branches) and EDP (Portugal’s largest energy company)
In order to lower risks and achieve greater efficiencies through process improvement, electronic discovery will increasingly become tightly integrated with an organization’s information governance policy, procedures, and infrastructure."
of mapping and modelling tools, for process improvement. At the time the survey was said to have been the most comprehensive of its kind to have been undertaken
See matching posts in thread - CIP Information Governance Process Impro...
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