Think about some popular KM techniques: • On-the-job training • Mentoring • Coaching • Apprenticeship • Succession planning • Networking • Teaching • Publishing These all have a common purpose – knowledge transfer, and they all require active participation. In today’s world we tend to focus on the tools that enable knowledge transfer. In many organizations KM is referred to by tools name; we use SharePoint for KM, or we teach in Blackboard, or I network on LinkedIn, or I publish in blogs like WordPress. Sometimes so much so that organizations begin to believe that the tool is KM or that it provides the collaboration or knowledge transfer. These tools are no more KM today than the Guttenberg printing press was KM when it enabled publishing, or the Pony Express was KM when it began mail service from east to west coast in the U.S., or the telephone was KM when it enabled voice connections and party lines, or the television when it revolutionized information transfer from one to many. The tools change, and always will, but the goal of knowledge transfer remains the same, and so does human active participation
Why do we collaborate? A simple question, but can you answer it? I asked around the office and I got some interesting answers. Here's a sampling: I collaborate to get buy-in I collaborate to get answers I collaborate to get acceptance of my ideas I...
KM people and organizational gurus romanticize that most hallowed of all transactions between two human brains -- the knowledge transfer. In my knowledge neighborhood that's an act of sincerest desperation: Who's been down the road I'm on?
This week I was faced with one of the harsh realities of life, death. My uncle unexpectedly passed away and I, along with my wife, accompanied my mother to the services. All in all it was a very fitting tribute to his life which included a career in the military highlighted by the Honors...
“The only thing a man takes to his grave is his Knowledge. Acquire when alive, distribute before death.” ~ Late K. A. Abu Backer, my grandfather and a high school Math teacher. If not in his true sense, the fossils and historical tombs like the Pyramids have surely carried with...
In my own life I am reminded on how we developed training and evaluation programs for knowledge transfer between the Air Force Airborne Communications Systems Operators who flew on the Special Air Mission (SAM) VIP aircraft out of Andrews AFB back when I was in the Air Force in the 1986 – 1995 timeframe
Most definitions of collaboration encompass a number of commonly accepted non-trivial actions that works toward a common goal: brainstorming and idea generation, communication, conflict resolution, cooperation, coordination, deep critical thinking, information sharing, knowledge transfer, negotiation, and problem solving
The effectiveness of ECM will be the result of the commitment of RIM and IT to knowledge transfer and support of their corresponding peers
Distribution might be required, but it wasn’t the reason that we put these reports in SharePoint, we did it so that we could keep track of them, and to support knowledge transfer within our company
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But what passive knowledge transfers are captured in this no-questions-asked drop between the knowledge orphanage ( document library ) and the plateless get-away car ( project team deliverables )?
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