Infrastructure-wise we understand that corporate IT are the implementers and early adopters...[rather than lapsing into the corporate IT tradition of...]
John Mancini is the CEO of AIIM. But I've come to regard him as a one man reality check -- someone who deals in the day-to-day operational slog of a trade group with the big picture capacity to: (1) connect dots and, (2) repackage them into a closing argument. His proposition? Surrender a little...
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Drug Dealers and IT are the only people who call their customers “users” Seriously, why does corporate IT have more in common with a street pharmacist than the genius bar at the local Apple Store?
3 Comments - Instead of looking to corporate IT we'll look to the street for our fix
The panelists and the audience talked about the problems with the way companies are addressing these issues and the various ways management and corporate IT are missing the point(s)
The actual demand side of search on which knowledge work depends continues to take a backseat to the unquestioned priorities corporate IT: (1) don't crash the system; and (2) don't lose anything
In a separate GigaOM/Isurus survey of 200 IT managers, 81 per cent of respondents state that Millennials' tech expectations are "different to very different" from those of their older peers. Corporate IT policies are also a touchy subject
Skjekkeland: A large corporate IT department used to be the center of IT innovation, with medium and small companies getting the technology after a few years. As a consumer you were lucky to get the “cutting edge” technology many years after the large corporate IT department – if at all
As the workforce demographic continues to shift from Baby Boomers to GenX / Y / Millennials and beyond the mobility of the modern knowledge worker demands that they can access corporate IT Assets on their personal devices
With the shift of many key productivity applications and back-end storage platforms to the cloud, we're beginning to see the transition of corporate IT priorities and budgets moving from the purview of IT management up to the front office, where marketing, legal, and administrative functions have a much stronger voice in what products and services are acquired -- and who is managing them going forward
They don’t want to wait for corporate IT to get out of its own way However, one of things that business users overlook as they rush into the hype of social is the underlying holistic architectural vision and basic information management principles when it comes to content management, collaboration and electronic communications
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