Office dominates the Enterprise as does Windows. SharePoint licenses are generally bundled in an Enterprise Agreement with Microsoft for things such as Office and Windows...IT person says, “Wait, well we do have these SharePoint licenses just lying around&rdquo
Your organization more than likely already owns SharePoint licenses and may be using it for collaboration, the Intranet, an Enterprise Content Management (ECM) \ Enterprise Records Management (ERM) solution, or to meet a variety of other business requirements
There was one estimate that SharePoint's ecosystem generated a figure anywhere from $6 to $9 for partners and SIs for every $1 spent on SharePoint licenses. So if $2 Billion is earned each year by Microsoft from SharePoint that puts the total figure for SharePoint related revenue conservatively at $14 Billion globally
It is bound to cause political issues and find some people concerned about job security with their legacy systems. SharePoint Licensing Microsoft is adding 20,000 new users a day or 7+ million new users a year (for the past 5 years) so resolving issues and understanding SharePoint’s capabilities to provide ROI to your firm is in your best interest
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In short, everyone in your organization will need education if you are planning on obtaining a robust Return on Investment (ROI) for the money your organization has spent on SharePoint licenses. Fourth, SharePoint 2010 can be (and should be) tested in a proof-of-concept (POC) before it is deployed into production
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