Although AIIM is no longer an SDO, its members remain stakeholders in the activities of government agencies and particularly those related to information management. Thus, I am sharing the following message for whatever members of the AIIM community may wish to make of it.
From: Owen Ambur <Owen.Ambur@...>
Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2019 10:05 PM
To: 'public-credibility@...' <public-credibility@...>
Cc: Chet Ensign (chet.ensign@...) <chet.ensign@...>; Betsy Fanning <betsy.fanning@...>; Steve Levenson (uslevenson@...) <uslevenson@...>; Robert Blatt [E.I.D.] <Robert.Blatt@...>; 'liz.icenogle@...' <liz.icenogle@...>; 'Kim Bartkus' <kim.hropen@...>; Russell Ruggiero <russell_ruggiero@...>; William Glascoe III (eosocxo@...) <eosocxo@...>; 'Jessica Lombardo' <jlombardo@...>
Subject: Foundations for Evidence-Based Policy Act -- Opportunities for the W3C & CredWeb CG
Sandro, H.R. 4174, the Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking Act (FEBPA), signed into law on January 14 by President Trump, offers a number of new opportunities for the W3C and the CredWeb CG.
Most relevant, for example, agencies are required to compile evidence-building plans:
I have rendered the requirements for such plans in StratML Part 2, Performance Plan/Report, format as a template for possible agency usage, at In compiling their evidence-building plans, agencies are required to consult with stakeholders: The CredWeb CG could consider what content should be included in such plans to flesh out the performance plan template and proactively reach out to the agencies with offers of assistance in applying it.
Title II of the FEBPA, the OPEN Government Data Act (OGDA), also includes several pertinent requirements.
For example, agencies are required to compile and maintain Strategic Information Management Resources Plans: The W3C could help specify the important elements and content of such plans.
Additionally, agencies are required to compile data inventories and provide metadata for each data asset. &
Agencies are directed to engage the public -- -- including with respect to helping them prioritize disclosures of their data assets.
They are expressly directed to make their data assets machine-readable, including any records subject to release under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). &
OMB is required to maintain an online repository of "tools, best practices, and schema standards to facilitate the adoption of open data practices across the Federal Government …" Such schema standards are to be maintained by standard development organizations, like the W3C and OASIS: It would be good if the SDOs could coordinate their efforts to help agencies apply the applicable standard schemas to their records.
I hope this information is helpful and that the W3C as well as OASIS, ARMA and other SDOs will capitalize effectively on the opportunities presented by this new and important law.
Owen Ambur
StratML Community