Women in Information Management (WIIM)

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VIP/WIIM Webinar Replay: Mentorship Program - Next Steps 

04-18-2019 16:05

Thanks to all who were able to join us live today in the VIP Lounge! So wonderful to see the enthusiasm for this re-launch of the mentorship program. We're posting the replay here with a few asks after viewing: 1. If you're interested in getting involved and finding your match, please set up your profile in the next week or so (mentor, mentee, or both!) 2. Review matches and reach out to start a conversation 3. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve the program 4. Volunteer to join a steering committee for the mentorship program--this group will help develop the processes and tools to ensure the success of this program. If interested in getting involved, respond here or email us direct at membership@aiim.org

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