You may remember John Mancini’s “8 Things” series from a few years ago. Run on his blog, Digital Landfill, they were popular, allowed us to create a series of ebooks (before ebooks were cool), and broadened the perspectives of those who read at least a few of the posts and/or subsequent ebooks. ...
Today I spoke on a panel at the Seattle ARMA chapter. The topic was SharePoint and Records Management. I have a simple recommendation for Records Managers everywhere -- Learn SharePoint! As I have mentioned many times over the past few years … Records Managers that...
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"Fundamentally, information governance is a business process. In order to lower risks and achieve greater efficiencies through process improvement, electronic discovery will increasingly become tightly integrated with an organization’s information governance policy, procedures, and...
I presented a session at the AIIM Conference in San Francisco entitled “Having a Regulatory and Standards-Based Approach to ERM IS Possible.” (It was a great conference, by the way). I recall that while attending the many other excellent presentations at the conference about, for example,...
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