Think Big Data is here? Just wait – it’s only beginning. According to IDC, the digital universe is doubling in size every two years, and will reach 44 trillion gigabytes by 2020. Estimates and projections vary, but it has been stated that 90 percent of the data existing worldwide today was...
This is a fun and fanciful example of what happens to the stuff you excrete every day. I’m talking about data excretion. Everywhere you go you are leaving Digital Footprints . Your digital footprints can be used for good or for bad activities. There will invariably be a little bit of...
One of the crucial tasks of records managers is to get the attention of those in the C-suite. The trouble with that is that the C-suite doesn’t care about records. To be honest, I don’t care about records either. When we step back from our worldview and get a bigger picture of the world of...
Missed AIIM 2014? Or did you just miss out on a session or three you wanted to see? In the coming weeks, we'll be sharing many of the presentations with you. Actionable advice and thought leadership brought to you by some of the smartest people in the information technology industry. Thornton...
I've watched over a number of months as major digital providers across handsets, telecommunications, internet services and virtually every other integrated offering have one by one described how they provide information to various governments. While none of this should be a concern to me as...
Once again, I want to say you thank you so much for choosing to attend my session. You were a great audience and I am sorry about going over and not having a chance to answer everyone's questions. Below are answers to questions from the app as well as the sources I referenced: ...
Every company and government organisation has defined goals, targets and strategies for their success or growth, with established timelines for each proposed deliverable. But along the way, all types of terrible events can take place which may jeopardize these strategies and prevent the...
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In today’s global economy the value of an enterprise’s Intellectual Property (IP) assets is very important. In many companies however, IP is not only stored in well protected or encrypted repositories, but also resides on personal computers, laptops, home computers, removable storage, in cloud...
Once again I raise my opinionated head to write something just before the big show. Of course the big show I refer to in this instance is none other than SharePoint Conference 2014 (SPC 2014). On the topic of big I wanted to discuss something I have been discussing for the last seven years:...
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Metadata is everywhere around us; and often makes our lives easier. Jeff provides a glimpse into the importance of metadata in this #AIIM14 sneak peek. Meet Jeff at AIIM 2014 on April 3 at 1:30 for his session: Metadata versus Big Data. Until then, here are some thoughts on making metadata a...
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