I recently changed jobs -- from Knowledge Engineer at a product company to knowledge manager at a services firm. Other than the Greater Boston location and uppercase K in the title, the two roles could not be more different. The fact I'll hit the ground running on my search engine configuration...
We recently benchmarked 6 major financial services firms (all Doculabs clients) and compared their maturity for managing documents. Here’s a summary of the results. It’s a small sample but it should be useful to you if you want a snapshot of what those firms are doing right now. For the...
Alan Pelz-Sharpe is a Research Director for Content Management & Collaboration at 451 Research. He has more than 20 years of experience in the industry working with a wide variety of end user organizations and suppliers around the world Join him on Thursday, March 21 at 10:30 for: ...
The following is not for the faint of here. Previously I blogged about Recall, the offsite records storage center in the DC suburbs that had a roof collapse . A colleague of mine is a former employee of Recall and she was telling me that approximately 50,000 boxes of records have been...
When managing electronic records, particularly those in the cloud, security is of utmost importance. Paper records, because of our long history with them, have proven to be less challenging to keep secure. It is every records manager's worst nightmare when their secure offsite storage location...
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Imagine you are George, an information management consultant. In your role, you spend a lot of time on the road, in various customer locations and like many road warriors, in the air. For you collaboration means having access to yours and your customer’s information 24/7 regardless of where you...
Cloud-based enterprise content management (CECM) is still a toddler in the mature world of the legacy big boys, walking around without much stability but tons of potential. The future is bright for this one. Naturally, there are still way more questions than answers with CECM, and I wanted...
Ever hear the phrase “Drive for Show, Putt for Dough?” It’s time-honored sports cliche that refers to the oohs and ahhs that a huge golf drive off the tee will elicit from the crowd. However, despite all the attention a big drive gets and hundreds of dollars a good driver costs, that shot is...
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