I presented a session at the AIIM Conference in San Francisco entitled “Having a Regulatory and Standards-Based Approach to ERM IS Possible.” (It was a great conference, by the way). I recall that while attending the many other excellent presentations at the conference about, for example,...
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Like with any technology and/or trend in IT, social is only useful in the context of YOUR business. Figure out why you need it; and it's useful. Just expecting to become a "social business;" not going to work so much. Ray Wang talks business needs and how ubiquitous, and transformative, mobile...
The new wave of smart mobile devices that's taking the industry by storm is doing far more than just making data and applications available anywhere. As new mobile platforms such as iOS and Android mature into enterprise-class offerings, they are introducing fundamentally new paradigms for how...
In a singular act of prescience, Atle details what you’re going to learn at AIIM 2012. When you leave, you’ll be rethinking how you manage information for your business. What Now? 8 Things You Should Tell Your Boss on Monday Atle Skjekkeland, Chief Operating Officer, AIIM Thursday,...
I am pleased to announce that the Institute of Certified Records Managers (ICRM) has pre-approved the AIIM 2012 Conference for CRM maintenance credits. The conference itself has been approved for 13.0 credits , while the three preconference sessions on Sharepoint, ECM, and Social Media...
I’ll be speaking at AIIM 2012 (San Francisco. March 20-22.) Part of what I’ll be talking about during my session has to do with changing behavior. Below is a little insight into that session; “Expand, Unlearn, and Ignore” on Wednesday, March 21 at 11:30 a.m. Like what you see? Check out my...
1. The Pogue Factor David Pogue is a really funny guy, ridiculously clever. Not only will he entertain but the guy is really one of the smartest and most practical technical folks of our generation. His writing for the NY Times is brilliant and easily understood by the masses but when you...
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