Form follows function. Except if you're talking about how most enterprises organize their knowledge assets. From an information management perspective, form is location, document format, default metadata, inherited properties. Function is engagement levels, people, expertise, and...
Business users are demanding tools that allow them to work with content from anywhere, at anytime and with anyone. Extending on-premise ECM systems to users outside the firewall and on mobile devices, however, is flat out hard and expensive. It’s fraught with technical and business...
When I took AIIM’s ECM Master Class, one of the concepts I really didn’t understand very well at the start was ‘repurposing’ – to be honest, it seemed like a marketing buzzword. I give credit to Bob Larrivee (our instructor) and my ECM classmates for helping me to...
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The question headlining this post is an eminently logical one for anyone with business on the brain, and, not surprisingly, I get it a lot because I am both the face on the free Certified Informational Professional training videos and the force behind the first accredited CIP classroom course...
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I wondered what you guys think of digital signing of documentation. Is it helpful for a low cost centre in , say Asia, to produce and sign off designs which are approved/signed in London using digital signatures. Interested in your comments. #digitalsigning #multiplesignatures ...
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