How often do you update your online profile? Maybe the bigger question is: how many online profiles do you maintain? For me, my primary profiles are Facebook and LinkedIn. Facebook doesn't feel much like a "profile" as its contents are more dynamic and experience/interaction-driven, while LinkedIn is much more structured and detailed, acting as a public-facing resume, of sorts
There are several ways to accomplish this but I think one of the most straight forward and easiest to implement for small or medium sized installations is to use User Profile properties and a little bit of JavaScript and some aspx. The gist of this solution is create and populate a user profile property, create a redirect page, and add some JavaScript to redirect page
There are two ways to get user profile data on your farm from an existing farm in SharePoint 2010. The first is to consume the User Profile Service of the host farm, but this causes issues if you want to host a My Site host (that contain personal sites) on the consuming farm
Click on the User Profile Service (off to the right of it...Click on the Connect icon on the top ribbon and choose User Profile Service Application Proxy 4
The User Profile Service has changed a lot in SharePoint 2010
There are situations where you may want to keep users from changing their Activities I am following settings on their edit profile page as shown below...This technique can be used to hide any section of the User Profiles on the edit profile page (i.e
A user is deleted from AD and then a profile import occurs on the SharePoint side
Restarting the User Profile Service won’t do it...Short of recreating the User Profile Service you are going to have to dive into your SQL Server and run an ORGLE stored procedure called orgle job stop
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Listed below are a number of use cases to consider as a starting point: Create/Edit a User Profile Picture About Me Skills and Interests Add colleagues/friends Add content; i.e., an article, blog, forum, video o Editing content – inline and adding attachments o Tagging content o Adding authors o Publishing content Comment on existing content Join a Community Find content via navigating a tag cloud Search for a: o Person o Content; i.e., Article, Blog or Video Capturing the user actions is best achieved through videotaping or screen capturing sessions
But in our virtual office parks, scrolling sales items, cute pet pix, stylized profiles are not the kind of attention most intranet teams (and corporate managers) want to attract
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